Nov 20, 2024 7 min read

8 Common Mistakes You Should Avoid in SWP Mutual Funds

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Have you ever wondered why you can’t get the most out of SWP Mutual Funds? Come, let’s explore together. Investing in a Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) by mutual funds is a smart way to start a regular income. Still, many investors make simple mistakes that greatly impact their returns. It does not matter whether you are a new starter or have been investing for a while. It is important to recognize these 8 common mistakes and solutions for avoiding them.

This blog will highlight the 8 most common mistakes that can affect your SWP strategy. Also, recommendations are given for getting the most out of your investments.

Let's start with the meaning of SWP.

What is SWP in Mutual Funds?

An SWP (Systematic Withdrawal Plan) allows you to make regular withdrawals of a fixed amount from your mutual fund investments. It helps investors who need regular income but want to stay in the market. SWP plan offers a flexible way to manage withdrawals based on your needs.

 Check out the viral SWP Calculator to see your wealth in action. 

Now let's talk about the 8 common mistakes made by investors.

Mistake 1: Withdrawing a Large Amount too Soon

One of the most common mistakes made by investors is that they withdraw a large amount too early. They do this to address their urgent income needs. Thus resulting in a rapid reduction of capital and a decrease in long-term returns.

Recommendations for Mitigation

  • Check the needs of cash flow, First, you must calculate monthly expenses. Then avoid withdrawing more than required.
  • Consider the rate of inflation when planning your withdrawals.

Mistake 2: Ignoring Asset Allocation

This is also one of the most common mistakes made by investors. Investors do not maintain the right allocation of the SWP Mutual Funds in portfolios. If the investments made by you are high-risk assets, then it can fluctuate the withdrawal made.

Recommendation for Mitigation:

  • · If you have a balanced SWP portfolio distribution of equity, debt and hybrid funds, it reduces the chances of risk. Moreover, provides stability in to your systematic withdrawal plan. 

Mistake 3: Ignoring the Rebalancing of the Portfolio

After a time, the conditions of the market change. Following this, changes in your portfolio must be in the required manner. If you fail to rebalance the portfolio, that will lead to a mismatch of risk tolerance and also the assets you have.

Recommendation for Mitigation:

  • Continuous approach towards rebalancing your portfolio once a year. This helps in maintaining the required allocations according to the required needs.

Mistake 4: Ignoring tax implications

  • Many investors ignore the tax consequences of the amount withdrawn. They assume that the Mutual Funds are not affected by taxes. This depends on the type of SWP Mutual Funds you are holding and the holding period. Taxes can reduce the effective returns of the SWP funds. If you ignore the taxes, then you will withdraw less than you expect.
  • It is necessary to know the tax rules and regulations covered under the Indian Taxation Act. It ensures that you smoothly carry out your tax functions.
  • Withdrawals can be done form existing funds from to new investments. This takes advantage of long-term capital gains tax benefits. If possible, plan your withdrawals around tax year-end to optimize your tax liabilities.

Recommendation for Mitigation:

  • It is necessary to know the tax rules and regulations covered under the Indian Taxation Act. It ensures that you smoothly carry out your tax functions.
  • Withdrawals can be done form existing funds from to new investments. This takes advantage of long-term capital gains tax benefits. If possible, plan your withdrawals around tax year-end to optimize your tax liabilities.

Mistake 5: Wrong estimation of returns

  • As an investor in a Mutual Funds, you should have a good estimation of the returns. And not assume that returns will always be high. This is especially true for high-risk investments. There is a strong chance that mutual funds will generate impressive returns. However, high expectations can lead to frustration. This mainly happens at the time of fluctuations in the market. Overestimating returns will lead to higher withdrawals. This can quickly deplete your investments.
  • Setting realistic expectations: It is important to set realistic return expectations. Returns of you mutual fund are influenced by market conditions. So, you must check the market conditions to set realistic expectations. This will help you get amazing results from your SWP.

Recommendation for Mitigation:

  • Setting realistic expectations: It is important to set realistic return expectations. Returns of you mutual fund are influenced by market conditions. So, you must check the market conditions to set realistic expectations. This will help you get amazing results from your SWP.

Mistake 6: Keeping a short-term goal with SWP

  • A SWP plan is one of the great tools for starting a regular income. But it is not recommended to use it for short-term goals. You can explore the incredible returns of SWP in the long term. SWP can be used for fulfilling your long-term goals, such as buying a car or even a house. Align SWP with short-term goals will not help you discover its real power.

Recommendation for Mitigation:

  • Align the investment strategy. The main goal of an SWP is to meet your long-term financial goals. This could be retirement or any other future expense. 
  • For short-term expenses, use your savings or fixed deposits. They have no exposure to the market conditions and are easily accessible.

Mistake 7: Not monitoring the position

  • Once you have set up your SWP plan, then it is easy to set it and forget it. However, it's important to track the performance over time. If you miss this very important step, it can result in poor performance of your SWP plan. This can happen due to the fund not being able to handle the regular withdrawals made by you. 

Recommendation for Mitigation: 

  • You must regularly track your investment's performance during breaks. This will help you adjust your SWP withdrawals according to your needs.
  • Check Fund Performance Against Benchmarks: Compare your fund's performance to benchmarks like the Nifty and the Sensex. This will help in analyzing the performance relative to the market.

Mistake 8: Not Having a Contingency Plan 

  • Emergencies can happen anytime. Without a backup plan, you'll face more problems. Urgent funds will make you withdraw your money from your planned SWP. This will hurt the long-term strategy of your SIP. You need to include emergency funds in your investment strategy.

Recommendation for Mitigation: 

  • Creating an Emergency Fund, must have 2-3 months of living expenses. You can put this type of fund in a low-risk investment or your savings accounts.
  • Do not overly rely on the SWP. The SWP must not be your only source of income for emergencies. If you have cash and low-risk savings, they will help you. They will stop you from using your premature mutual fund investment.


This blog has shown you the mistakes to avoid when planning your SWP Mutual Funds. SWP is a great investment for steady income.  But it needs careful planning and management. People often make common mistakes that you must avoid to get the most out of them. Use the best strategies to get the most from your investment.

Also Read Our Latest Blogs on SWP Mutual Funds : 

1. What is SWP in Mutual Funds?

2. India Top 10 SWP Mutual Funds for 2024

3. SWP vs SIP: Which Mutual Fund Strategy is Right for You

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