Jan 01, 1970 3 min read

Which Type of Retirement Do You Want? All Depends on You!

Are you prepared to enjoy your retirement to the most? Or still looking for alternatives? Read this to know how you can plan your retirement!
Your life depends on how you take it. The choices that you make are ultimately responsible for what you own at the end. One learns from one’s experiences, but only learning is not enough, you have to implement the same to live a better life that you desire.

Keeping the above thing in mind, we have a question from you; are you ready for your retirement? Have you made the choice of what type of retirement you want to live? Well, we hope you must have planned for a good one, but if not, then we want to remind you that future is uncertain and if you fail to plan now, you are probably planning to fail in the future.

You must have seen different pictures of old people where some might be enjoying good vacations, while the others are sitting on a chair - completely dependent on others for their necessities. The first picture definitely gives a happy feel, but what about the second one? Have you ever thought why some of the old-aged people suffer such situations in life? It’s all because they did not plan their retirement within time. They might have lead a beautiful and happening life till they were working, but after that, all that they have is the dependency.

After you retire from your work (somewhere around the age of 60), there are almost 25 to 30 years and even more that you have to live ahead. And thus, you must be sure that you have enough money to live it the way you want. However, we have options and facilities provided by the Government which let us save for our retirement either via LIC plans, PPF (Public Provident Fund), or the NPS, which fetch us returns of around 8%. You too might be having such savings, but is this 8% enough to live a comfortable retirement? Well, this is an open question.

The pension and fixed income tend to be eroded over time due to inflation, and thus it is a must for every one to make a plan that can offer a higher return and better earning. Thus, retirement planning is a must to ensure a happy and independent future. But how? The answer is here!

Retirement Planning Calculator

Mutual fund investments in India provide the one-stop solution to every financial desire. If you wish to plan your retirement goals with mutual funds, then our retirement calculator is the perfect tool to be used. Out of the various alternatives available in the mutual fund industry, you can make the best choice of the fund as per your risk appetite and financial status to ensure a better life after retirement.

By adding up all the expenses which you would be having at the retired age including medical, transportation, communication, leisure, wellness, or other necessities, you can compute the net inflation-adjusted amount that would be required at that time. Once you know the amount, it is very easy to make the estimation of the investments which will help you attain such future sum of money. You can plan an SIP investment to achieve the targeted amount along with fetching the benefits of cost averaging and the power of compounding. There are schemes that are designed for a long-term investment purpose as per different risk appetites can be opted by the investors to fulfil their goals within time.

Start in the SIP Way!

If you wish to make your future secure and independent, then this is the right time to begin planning your retirement goals. You must start an SIP plan in the mutual fund which not only provides convenience and builds in you a disciplined investor, but also lets you earn tremendous returns over time. It makes the investment process quite simple and efficient, and by timing the market, it provides the best cost and reward benefits. So don’t miss this opportunity of creating riches, start now to reap the greatest benefits tomorrow.

MySIPonline provides the convenience of investing in the best mutual funds in India online with the use of effective tools and solutions. Get in touch with us to gain superior benefits of investing by taking direct assistance from our team members through Support Desk.

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